msf Career App 1.2
'This app is brought to you by Career Guidancewing of Muslim Student Federation (MSF). Our Career Guide app givesan overview of the higher studies options available in Kerala. Thisapp will help students completing their higher secondary educationto find appropriate courses and the best colleges in Kerala. Wetake this opportunity to congratulate you on clearing your examsand good luck for your search to find the road to your dreams. Wehope to hear your success stories in the future...!!!'
mOorakam 1.0
mOorakam is the online Gateway to OorakamPanchayath. This is an informative app of Oorakam Panchayth. Userscan view Panchayath News, General News, Events, Notifications,Services, Gallery and General details like History and governingauthorities.This app was developed by Calinno Technologies.
KKMA 1.0
Kuwait Kerala Muslim Association (KKMA) is acommunity self help group with a mission to aid and securedevelopment of our members and the community that we represent. Ourmotto is people helping people. Our aim is to realize the strengthof unity. Our tools are unity, friendship and cooperation.KKMA is an organization of ordinary Indians in Kuwait. Ouractivities are mainly members welfare oriented. By doing so, wealso implement several social welfare programs for the communitywhere we live in.This mobile app is to create a dynamic and vibrant platform for NonResident Indians to come together and participate in a wide rangeof aid and development activities.
mPonmala 1.0
mPonmala is the online Gateway toPonamalaPanchayath. This is an informative app of PonmalaPanchayth. Userscan view Panchayath News, General News, Events,Notifications,Services, Gallery and General details like Historyand governingauthorities.This app was developed by Calinno Technologies.
TEST VERSION. DEVELOPING IS GOING ON...Ithihadu Subbanil Mujahideen, ISM Kerala is the youth wing ofKNMand its aim is da'wa.Upon the great mercy of Allah,ISM works since 1967 in Kerala.This is a small effort to available ISM in mobile. So weareeagerly expecting your reviews to make this app moreperfect.FYI - beta version.May Allah make this application beneficial for all thebrothersand sisters. Ameen!This mobile app is to create a dynamic and vibrant platformforMuslims to come together and participate in a wide range ofdaw'ahand religious activities.
Calicut Times 1.10
Reading English Newspaper can help usimproveour reading ability, learn morevocabulary and let us know what has happened in the world. Wecanreadnewspaper via the methods below:a. Turn to the front page. Read the headlines to know whathashappened,because the most important things are put on the front page.b. Choose the first five articles that attract you. Then readthefirst two to three ofthem.c. If you want to read more, you can turn to other columns, suchassport. Thenchoose the top five articles, read their title and thefirstparagraph. We can usethese methods to reduce the time we read the newspapersmeanwhilekeep usinformed of important events.         A: Reading English Newspaper can improve EFL students’ abilityofvocabulary and theskill of reading. But it doesn’t mean that you need to look overtheall content inthe newspapers. First, you can find the topics you interest.Then,just read thesetopics you scan. You also don’t finish every paragraph of them.Ifthe content isreally interesting for you, read it thoroughly. So you may getgoodmood to readwhat you interest. Gradually, you are able to absorb many kindsofnewinformation and have good storage of vocabulary.         A: Because reading newspaper can improve our reading andwritingskill as well asincreasing vocabulary, it benefits us to study English.Englishnewspaper containsmany useful and common words. Moreover, one canacquireinternational newsfrom reading English newspaper. How do we read it to achievereadingefficiency?a. First, we should choose the right newspaper to read andnotchoose sometabloid newspaper which contains gossips and poor language.b. Then, choose some articles to read but skip articles whicharenot interestingand less important to your interest or need.c. Before reading the articles, read the headline of eacharticlefirst to choose fivearticles which interest you.d. Just read each article its first and second paragraph whichwillprovide yougeneral ideas about the event you’re reading.         A: Reading English newspapers can improve reading skills,increaseEnglishvocabulary and learn more things to write. But we need to knowhowto readnewspaper well if it’s going to turn out an advantage to us.First,make thenewspaper thinner. This means just read the headline, the topicofthe article,then find the interesting sections that you like. Second,browseevery article youlike just one or two paragraphs. Read no more than fivearticles.You canunderstand what it is talking about and you don’t want to wasteyourtime, right?Third, read more about the article you like by readingtheinformation containing“when”, “where”, “what”, “who”, and “how”. That will help youreadquickly. Thelast one, don’t be afraid of new words. You can understand whatitmeans in thecontext.A: Everyday read five articles. Don’t be demanding. It’senough.Besides, you heed toread every title about the article and choose five articleswhichyou are interestedin. Constantly read newspapers everyday. That will help youincreaseyourvocabulary. Remember words through context and frequentlyexposeyourself tothese words. Once they appear several times, you will rememberthemeasily. Youread more, you can write better essays because your knowledgeisadequate toprovide interesting ideas to talk about. Shortly, readingEnglishnewspaper will notonly upgrade your language ability but also becomemoreknowledgeable. 7.2
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